The Yerli promotes and advertises your business to a supportive local community
Get started for freeCurrently operating in Amherst, MA
The Yerli puts your stories as a local business at the forefront. Users will quickly be able to learn about you and your business, and engage with your store with one click.
The Yerli is a social platform for local community members to share reviews and promote local business through word of mouth. Our unique algorithm ensures your store shines.
Our platform facilitates micro-internships by all gather local interest and get a helping hand in projects from social media marketing to coding, all for free and included in the Yerli platform.
The Yerli partners with local businesses who embrace our mission and want to promote their brand to a larger audience.
Share your story and business with us, talk to us about your goals and hopes
Once approved, your store and all relevant info will be listed on our app
Locals can then read about your story and support your business.